
​There are a host of reasons to get excited about the latest release of the ELO Enterprise Content Management (ECM) suite, which offers a completely new user interface, additional business solutions and preconfigured workflows, that can rapidly introduce cost-effective automation to your organisation.

The Financial Rights Legal Centre is calling on the Australian Government to respect the rights of joint bank account holders to control their own data.

The unprecedented events of 2020, such as the pandemic and civil unrest, are increasing the volume of public records requests and are sending processing times higher because of the complexity of audio, video and other large files. That's according to the first quarter 2021 Peers in Public Records (PiPR) Index from GovQA, an index that tracks US state and local public records trends.

Relativity, the global legal and compliance technology company, has acquired Text IQ, a company applying artificial intelligence (AI) to identify sensitive data.

How much value is sitting in your organization’s content? You may not even know – and it’s even more likely you haven’t tapped into the entirety of that value. More than half (56%) of respondents say their organization has not realized the full value of its content, according to ASG’s 2021 Survey Report, What’s Slowing Modernization? Barriers Hindering Enterprise IT Systems and Content Management.
