
A famous 1990s New Yorker cartoon showed two dogs at a computer and a caption that read “On the Internet, nobody knows you’re a dog.” The cartoon represents a digital past when people required few safeguards on the internet. People could explore a world of information without having every click tracked or their personal data treated as a commodity.

The recent questioning of the heads of Amazon, Facebook, Google and Apple in the US Congress has highlighted the threat their practices pose to our privacy and democracy.However these big four companies are only part of a vast, sophisticated system of mass surveillance.

A Commonwealth Ombudsman's inquiry into Australia's National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA), triggered by a surge in complaints over the time taken to process requests for assistive technology by the disabled, has zeroed in on records and email management practices as a source of delay.

The FBI’s robots have arrived in Virginia. And they’re ready to be fed. Inside the Bureau’s cavernous new Central Records Complex in Winchester, a squad of automated, wheeled robots have dutifully begun the enormous task of filing away millions of paper records from FBI offices around the country.

Almost two years since the launch of the Sydney start-up, IDM asked Sypht CEO Warren Billington to outline the growth and development of the company’s cloud-based AI-as-a-service platform for data capture. 
