
The IT industry has embarked on a new topic: Robotic Process Automation (RPA). It covers the automation of processes by eliminating manual activities to a large extent, so software solutions can take over. With today's processor speed and increasingly sophisticated algorithms in software applications, IT can now carry out increasingly complex requirements faster and, for recurring tasks, more reliable than any human being.

The time to embrace Digital Transformation is now. But for those who are still in planning stages, you may be feeling a little behind the curve, which can be a daunting place to start. It doesn’t have to be. 65% of companies are positive about their ability to adapt to technological disruption over the next three years. So why not start now?

As Australia and New Zealand take the first steps toward the relaxation of the restrictions that were necessary to combat the COVID19 threat, it is possible that there may be an unprecedented opportunity for some ANZ businesses to get a head start on the rest of the world.

Enterprises today are moving fast in their digital transformation journey, but all have the significant challenge of unlocking key information inside their business documents such as invoices, orders, and other unstructured content.  Much of the content from these varied business documents end up in systems like SAP and countless other enterprise systems.

Machine Learning is a really common AI technology. People tend to assume that ML means machines teaching themselves – but really, ML means machines learning from people. 
