
Whether through new product lines, a fully remote workforce or a whole new online business, COVID-19 will continue to change the way organizations operate. But in the chaos exists an opportunity to transform the future business.

One consequence of the public’s compliance with social distancing and quarantines during the COVID-19 pandemic is a sharp decline in most types of crime. It looks like people staying home made communities less conducive to crime. Unfortunately, the news isn’t as good as those numbers alone suggest. Other settings are seeing an increase in crime following the stay-at-home orders. One is the household, where domestic violence is likely to have increased in the past two months.

Data and information is the lifeblood of any business.  Emails.  Paper archives.  ERP transaction data.  Board papers.  Financial reports.  Presentations.  Analysis.  Invoices.  Quality records.  Internal audits.  HR records.  Customer files.  Purchase orders. CRM notes.  Intellectual property.

Australia’s peak industry representative body for innovation technology is urging the Morrison Government to appoint a Minister for Digital Capability.

An update to the International Data Corporation (IDC) Worldwide Digital Transformation Spending Guide shows that spending on the digital transformation (DX) of business practices, products, and organizations will continue at a solid pace despite the challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic.
