
When I'm running training courses, one of the early topics we cover in the day is the various challenges of implementing data governance, but to be quite honest, the challenges start long before you even start designing and implementing your data governance framework.

More than half of risk professionals worldwide say their organisation’s risk levels have increased in the past 12 months, according to new research from ISACA, CMMI Institute and Infosecurity Group.

A new technology promises to make your web browser more private than ever, keeping your internet activity from prying eyes. But some argue your data won’t actually be all that private. And others are worried it could actually help criminals including child abusers to avoid justice. Here’s what you need to know about DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH).

DocsCorp's cleanDocs is more than a metadata cleaning tool. Thanks to the recipient checking feature in cleanDocs 2.1 and above, it is the best way to safeguard what gets shared over email without clogging up Outlook with multiple products and add-ins.

Natural Language Generation (NLG) is a hot topic and seems to be popping up in increasing areas of our lives. Alexa, Siri, customer service chatbots, and automated text messages provide information about products and services, and more of our interactions with businesses involve some level of NLG.
