
A German real estate company, die Deutsche Wohnen SE (Deutsche Wohnen) has received the highest GDPR fine to date for ‘over retention’ of personal data, €14.5 million.

Today it costs a fraction of a fraction of a cent per megabyte to store data, but it is less than 30 years since the cost of data storage dropped below one US dollar per megabyte. It seems that one dollar was a psychologically important price point as, from then on, the world economy significantly shifted to capturing, valuing and transacting on information.

The NSW Auditor General has criticised poor record-keeping practices among of 40 of the largest agencies in the NSW public sector in its final audit of Internal Control and Governance for 2019.

Automated records and information management has been on the horizon for over 10 years, but Australian government and regulated entities are only now making their first forays into the brave new world of automated control systems.

In recent weeks, Johannesburg’s computer network was held for ransom by a hacker group called Shadow Kill Hackers. This was the second time in three months a ransomware attack has hit South Africa’s largest city. This time, however, hackers didn’t pose the usual threat.
