
The Digital Transformation Agency (DTA) has released a new category in its software licensing procurement panel for Commonwealth Government Departments and Agencies covering commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) software. The panel includes a number of specialists in digital records management software, but the DTA has confirmed that the Department of Finance Investment Moratorium will still apply to the new panel.

On February 25, 2019, researchers from Ruhr University Bochum  and Hackmanit GmbH published, a detailed explanation of several vulnerabilities they had identified in PDF viewers and online validation services relevant to signature validation in digitally-signed PDF documents. The vulnerabilities are pertinent only to such digitally-signed documents, and not to PDF in general.

The Citadel Group has announced a number of significant contract wins in the health and education sector, including an $A33 million contract over 10 years with the new Royal Adelaide Hospital.

Technology in the communications space has evolved and there are now so many more choices now than there were 10 years ago. Platforms have also become more affordable compared to the expensive systems of yesteryears. In addition, the need to mainintain on-premise infrastructure for collaboration tools has reduced or is non-existent in many companies. Workplaces are moving at a rapid pace in the modern day, bringing with it the need for the workforce to adapt to that pace quicker than ever.

The process of making AI systems interact more like humans makes some people uncomfortable, but AI is not about replacing humans. In reality, it is much more about removing the robot from humans.
