
According to IDC, the total volume of data will reach 163 zettabytes in 2025. It is expected that 80% of this will be unstructured data. That’s a mind-boggling number, though what is even more amazing is that companies have only marginally shifted in how they handle their unstructured data.

Organizations look to information governance professionals to provide strategy tips and risk assessment. A key focus of their job is to comprehensively and intelligently classify corporate data.

The Digital Transformation Agency (DTA) will be the first Australian Government agency to deploy Office 365 for Protected email and collaboration, taking advantage of the platform’s Protected certification, awarded by the Australian Signals Directorate earlier this year.

Kapish (a Citadel Group Company) has announced a strategic partnership with IntelligenceBank to integrate selected business process management applications.

Organisations depend on operational data to drive improvements in all areas of an enterprise, but a new survey reveals that data volumes are affecting productivity. Two thirds (68 percent) report their organisation has so much data they struggle to make use of it all.
