
It should not be a surprise to hear that many ten's thousands of applications have been created over the decades that computers have been around. While some of these applications are obsolete due to dependencies on no longer available operating systems, hardware, or both, some of these old applications live on. When we focus on active operating systems, there are still thousands of applications to consider. Some of these applications use the same file format type to store data. However, many employ a proprietary file format optimized for that application and use case.

The Digital Transformation Authority (DTA) is looking to dip its toes into the world of Generative AI, issuing a Request for Information (RFI) “to gain an understanding of the market.” The DTA is seeking to uncover Gen AI solutions that could “serve for individual Government organisations or the Australian Government as a whole.”

The February 2022 data breach of Australian Clinical Labs’ (ACL) Medlab Pathology business has resulted in the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) taking an action in the Federal Court.

A recent forecast from International Data Corporation (IDC) shows that the worldwide artificial intelligence (AI) software market will grow from $US64 billion in 2022 to nearly $2US51 billion in 2027 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 31.4%.

Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) chair John Lonsdale has expressed frustration at the failure of the banking and financial sector to deal with fundamental cybersecurity issues.
