
Have you heard of the “ zettabyte apocalypse ?” It’s a term coined to describe how organisations must be prepared to increase storage to an additional 40 to 60 zettabytes of data (per most analysts’ predictions) over the next four years or risk being left susceptible to the type of “apocalyptic” disasters—compliance violations and fines, data loss and theft, etc.—that could run them out of business.

American GPs now spend more than half of each workday typing into computers and completing other tasks in electronic health records, according to a new US study conducted by the doctors’ association and the University of Wisconsin. The GPs complain the workload is taking time away from patient care.

As technologies evolve, we have seen the rise of auto-tagging, auto-classification, and auto-categorisation tools that attempt to take over the task for describing the content we create. These tools apply metadata tags automatically so we don’t have to.

Intellectual Property (IP) Australia, the Australian government agency that administers IP rights, has adopted Pega Robotic Automation to improve overall customer experience by automating business processes to significantly reduce time and costs associated with data entry.

The TWAIN Working Group (TWG) and the PDF Association , both not-for-profit organizations designed to foster universal public standards, have announced the joint publication of PDF/raster 1.0 , a subset of the PDF specification suited to the needs of resource-constrained imaging systems.
