
Microsoft has come a long way on its mission to enable working from anywhere on a range of devices. For instance, this morning I’m on the train on my way to the office. Later today have a meeting with a customer to go through a proposal for a potential project.

SA Health has extended its use of Objective across the Department for Health and Ageing, to digitally transform service delivery, responsiveness and information management practices in compliance with the government’s Digital by Default policy. The implementation will be rolled out to the entire Department consisting of approximately 2000 users.

Lift the lid on the world of standards in relation to electronic signatures and you will find is there is no shortage of contenders, each with a dazzling acronym referring to entities such as X.509 PKI, PAdES, ETSI and ISO 14533.

​Widely known as the technology underpinning the digital currency bitcoin, blockchain has acquired a new identity in the enterprise. Today, more than 40 top financial institutions and a growing number of companies across industries are experimenting with distributed ledger technology.

Australian enterprises and federal agencies now have 12 months to prepare to comply with Mandatory Data Breach Notification Laws, following the passage of the Privacy Amendment (Notifiable Data Breaches) Bill 2016.
