
Inland Revenue has signed a deal with New Zealand company TEAM Asparona to provide the first stage of a new multi-million dollar information knowledge management system.

The assertion that Australia has always been an early adopter of technology is challenged when it comes to big data and analytics. While a few standout organisations are investing  to build sophisticated data-science algorithms, many others are yet to categorise big data from technology fad to business advantage, according to analyst firm IDC.

One of the biggest challenges for new Records Managers is understanding how to properly categorise or classify their enterprise records.  More often than not, Records Managers start from scratch and reinvent the wheel.

There’s no prize for those who believe they know the winner of this contest, but does it really need to be policy over productivity? In this digital age is there a new perspective that can bring together these seemingly opposing fronts? One that delivers benefits to user, IT and records management.

Eric Bussy, Worldwide Corporate Marketing and Product Management Director at Esker, discusses the importance of machine learning for enabling back office processes.
