
The challenge of automating information extraction is at the core of the Sintelix text analytics platform from Semantic Sciences, a CSIRO spinoff established in 2008 by founder Daniel McMichael and now  being utilized by corporate and government customers. in Australia and globally. At the US Department of Defense it is employed in tandem with data analytics technology from tech darling Palantir, best known for its work on behalf of the US government’s intelligence community. Simon Kravis interviewed Daniel to learn more about the commercial uptake of this sophisticated text analytics solution.

A 2015 survey conducted by CrowdFlower, developer of a data enrichment platform for data scientists, found that that data scientists saw messy, disorganized data as a major hurdle preventing them from doing what they find most interesting in their jobs: predictive analysis and data mining for behavioural patterns and future trends. The majority of more than 150 data scientists surveyed also acknowledged the skills shortage within their field.

Do you remember when taking a photo was more like a game of Russian roulette than trying to capture a simple image. Then even if you did get the picture right you were never quite sure if you took the film out of the camera correctly or that Kodak wouldn’t mess it up when processing.  Fast forward 20 years and the digital image revolution has taken over and now with a selfie stick and a phone everyone is potential celebrity and a whole industry has changed. 

The email address as we know it was born when Ray Tomlinson introduced the “@” sign in 1977, since which email has continually grown in popularity as a communication tool for work and pleasure – until last year. For the first time ever, 2014 recorded a sharp decrease in the number of emails sent around the world, from 204m per second in 2013 to 138.8m per second in 2014.

A National Audit of the overseas operations of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade has criticised DFAT’s Consular Management Information System (CMIS) and highlighted the need for improved data entry.
