
One of Australia’s leading diversified food and agribusiness companies, the Craig Mostyn Group has moved ahead with Esker Accounts Payable solution on Premises with its mobile application for business approvers.

Organisations all over the world have been improving and adopting new information management strategies for years now. The importance of having systems in place to handle the waves of information that we deal with everyday has definitely spread and the benefits have come along as well. Even though this topic has been getting more popular over the past decade there are still many organizations that have not put a priority on implementing an Enterprise Content Management(ECM) system and have not developed an Information Management strategy.

Contact centre agents experience it every day. A customer calls and doesn’t want to wait on hold so they send an email instead. Then they start a chat session to engage with an agent. Meanwhile, another agent has fielded the email and is researching an answer. Then the automated system calls the customer back and she engages with yet another agent. Unfortunately none of the agents has an up-to-date view of what’s going on with the customer, making the process expensive and prone to error.

Many workplace procedures are still just an online version of their analogue predecessors with clunky, manual processes that get in the way of doing business.
Employees have grown accustomed to the friendly, intuitive experiences that smartphones and tablets deliver. Businesses need to come to the party and deliver the same experience in the workplace. Often, businesses use outdated practices not because there aren’t better alternatives out there, but through force of habit.

IP Australia is partnering with IBM to engage the cognitive computing technology Watson, aimed at improving agency efficiencies and enhancing online service offerings for Australia’s innovators.
