
Lexmark International has made another acquisition in the information management area with the $US37 purchase of Toronto-based Claron Technology, a provider of medical image viewing, distribution, sharing and collaboration software technology. 

OpenText has acquired Informative Graphics Corporation (IGC), a leading developer of viewing, annotation, redaction and publishing commercial software. As an OpenText partner for more than a decade, IGC technologies will be further integrated into the ECM product portfolio and extended into other OpenText Suites. 

Organisations across the private and public sectors are losing up to $A17 million in productivity each year as staff waste time finding and saving information, a survey by Brisbane-based information management specialists Glentworth has revealed.

In 2015 what does an operational records management service look like? In the past it was a much easier task to imagine a records management operation. Crusty records officers located in a registry office, a great big compactus with lots of hardcopy files, a mysterious classification scheme, and the magical skill to find that obscure document when the CEO wanted it. We all know that those days are well and truly past, but what has replaced it and what works best in modern organisations?

Toshiba (Australia) has announced a partnership with ELO to provide Document Management and Workflow solutions.
