
ECM consulting firm Stonebridge Systems has announced the appointment of Tim Sutherland as Senior Solution Architect and Howard Fuller in the newly created role of Delivery Manager.

Understanding your responsibilities when it comes to records and information management has never been more critical, given the risk of heavy fines, prosecution, and civil actions that organisations leave themselves exposed to if their information management house is not in order.

From the Domesday Book to modern government papers, the UK National Archives' collection of more than 11m historical government and public records is one of the world’s largest. It includes paper and parchment, photographs, maps and paintings, but also a vast number of digital records such as archived government websites, emails and social media posts. Paper may last for thousands of years, but what about the ever-expanding quantity of digital documents?

Following the release of the Debelle Commission report, a Select Committee of the South Australian Parliament undertook its own inquiry into the circumstances around the missing email. It reported to Parliament in late 2013. It undertook rigorous questioning of Telstra, provider of the South Australian Government Electronic Messaging System (SAGEMS), and the then SA Government Chief Information Officer Andrew Mills.

Microsoft has announced plans to deliver Office 365 and Dynamics CRM Online from data centres in Australia by the end of March, 2015 to address data residency considerations, particularly in sectors such as healthcare, education, government and financial services.
