
Microsoft has acquired Acompli, a developer working on bringing the functionality of Outlook on the desktop PC to mobiles. Acompli reportedly makes it easier to deal with email attachments on your phone, and also puts contacts and calendar into the same app, and handles attachments from Dropbox, Google Drive, and Microsoft OneDrive.

After six years Vladimir Videnovic has stepped down as National President of  The Institute for Information Management (IIM). The new National President is Dr Janine Douglas, a consultant who is currently President of the Western Australian Branch of IIM, and has served on the IIM Board as a Regional Director for two years.

Queensland State Archives has issued a discussion paper that draws attention to “A critical disconnect [that] has emerged between government’s move towards digital service delivery, while still relying on outdated records management processes.” Developed in collaboration with the Queensland Government Chief Information Office, the Born digital, stay digital discussion paper has been accompanied by a request for state agencies to respond to a plan to “Develop a roadmap with set timeframes for public authorities to work toward.” No timetable has been announced.

The Life Technologies Group of Thermo Fisher Scientific has adopted HP WorkSite for legal document management worldwide. With a recently consolidated legal department, Life Technologies required a single document management system (DMS) to provide automated document management operations and integration with existing applications.

Despite society’s move toward a fully digital world, a good deal of business is still transacted on paper. In some estimates, it’s as high as 90 percent, with a great deal of printed paper discarded after just one-time use. That waste comes at a cost, not only for the paper but also for the ink.
