
We recently analysed the execution of paperless strategies for a company that was struggling to increase paperless adoption among its clients. They had actioned all the advice provided, so what was the issue? After conducting an analysis we found that there were gaps in the implementation, which led to a below average customer take up of the paperless service.

Search is at an interesting crossroads. As the keystone of the information age, this truly transformative technology now blends into almost every digital nook and cranny without fanfare. It goes without saying that smartphone apps, web pages, social networking tools, productivity software and operating systems have started off with simply having a search box embedded somewhere.

What are the requirements for government organisations to include social media posts as part of Reedom of Information (FOI) requests?

Nuix, a technology company that enables people to make fact-based decisions from unstructured data, has published a survey of corporate information security practitioners, conducted by Ari Kaplan Advisors, which shows fundamental changes occurring in the way enterprises protect their data.

Information volumes continue to grow at an unprecedented rate, particularly in the area of randomly generated unstructured user data, says Chris Hathaway, director at Soarsoft International. This is a result of the way the modern "information worker" interacts and transacts with electronic platforms on a daily basis.
