
Despite SharePoint’s astounding success for almost a decade (largely attributable to its integration with Office and its attractive licensing options), Microsoft has always presented inconsistent messages about how to “correctly” use the platform. This extends to SharePoint’s positioning and marketing of each successive version.

Government records and archive authorities around the country have developed a range of policies, standards and guidelines to help organisations better manage the capture of digital information. However, there appear to be some major structural obstacles preventing effective digital archive appraisal and permanent records transfer. 

A locally hosted cloud-based Digital Asset Management (DAM) service has been launched by Picturepark distributor DataBasics, targetting users in Australia, New Zealand and South East Asia.

The majority of large organisations pay significant attention to their content, but are looking at additional channels for publication given the meteoric rise in use of smart devices, tablets and e-book readers. Organisations are increasingly seeking to move print publications into digital formats to improve distribution effectiveness and reduce costs.

The Department of State Development, Business and Innovation (DSDBI) in Victoria has adopted  HP IDOL (Intelligent Data Operating Layer) to provide a single point of access to internal and external information sources.
