
Anne Lyons, Assistant Director-General, Government Information Assurance and Policy at the National Archives of Australia, has responded to an article (Will feds be ready for 2015 digital deadline?) in the May-June 2013 edition of Image & Data Manager, questioning whether the 2015 timetable is realistic and able to be achieved.

The global market for document management systems is on track to grow at an annual rate of almost 14% until 2016 according to a new report from analyst firm Research and Markets.

EMC has acquired privately held Aveksa,  a developer of Identity and Access Management solutions that will be integrated within the RSA security division as part of RSA’s Identity Trust Management product group.

A breakthrough from US Forensic Imaging company CyanLine has allowed investigators to reveal the true number of times a hard disk has been in active use and when it was first activated.

Businesses are in the middle of a “data explosion.” From January to December 2012, companies saw their data grow 56 percent, which means the amount of data stored doubles every 18 months, according to the Aberdeen Group report Master Data Management in 2013.
