
​The rise in remote and hybrid working has caused distress, as 77% of Australians are more worried about their personal data now that organisations operate distributed work models. On top of this, 49% of Australians said they’d no longer use or buy from a company they were previously loyal to if it failed to protect or leaked their personal data. IDM asked George Harb, Vice President, ANZ at OpenText, what organisations should be doing to protect data and establish cyber resilience.

Enterprise content management (ECM) applications power business-critical document digital processes.  Organizations can have thousands of users accessing repositories daily to view their most valuable secured digital assets. And with user activity comes endless amounts of doc transactions. Given this context, it’s important to understand what users are doing with the repository content when they use it, and how they use it. 

Global information management services provider, Access, has released the findings from its annual State of the Records & Information Management (RIM) Industry Report, which revealed what professionals in the space are challenged by and most interested in learning about and investing in over the next 12 months.

Pacific Commerce/Datatime has selected TCG Process to replace its legacy systems and provide a path to develop new processes and lines of business. For the past 38 years, Pacific Commerce/Datatime has been a leader in outsourced document management for corporate business, as well as education, health, state and federal government sectors in Australia.

In today’s digital landscape, businesses find themselves needing to migrate their data to new systems for a myriad of reasons. Whether it is to save costs or to improve collaboration or to meet consumer data requirements, the process of migration must be thought out to ensure continuity of service and data security.
