
Law firms Gordon Legal and Hayden Stephens and Associates have announced they are investigating a potential legal action against Latitude Financial, for the massive data breach that includes personal data for customers stretching back to 2005.

A new report by MIT Technology Review Insights seeks to understand how organisations approach transformation and the obstacles they encounter in adapting to a continually changing business and technology environment.

Fifty percent of chief information security officers (CISOs) will adopt human centric design to reduce cybersecurity operational friction; large enterprises will focus on implementing zero-trust programs; and half of cybersecurity leaders will have unsuccessfully tried to use cyber risk quantification to drive enterprise decision making, according to the top cybersecurity predictions revealed by Gartner, Inc.

A mere 15% of organizations globally have the ‘Mature’ level of readiness needed to be resilient against today’s modern cybersecurity risks, according to Cisco’s first-ever Cybersecurity Readiness Index.

Organisations follow a reactive approach to cyber security which is stifling their progress in demonstrating value and aligning with business outcomes, according to a new commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of WithSecure.
