
Why don’t vendors of ERP or financials software include invoice automation as a native feature of their products? The task and procedure of getting invoices and information into an ERP system or financials software is a manual process in many organisations that creates additional headaches and costs that negatively impact the bottom line profitability.

A long term project to migrate to a SharePoint 2010 intranet at the Bank of New Zealand (BNZ) has required a major focus on the fundamentals of information management.

A judge has ruled that BP is not permitted access to 21 confidential US government documents.

Civica UK has acquired Gateway Computing a specialist supplier of electronic document management (EDM) systems together with associated business process services including outsourced document scanning.

Worldwide spending on enterprise application software will total $US120.4 billion in 2012, a 4.5 percent increase from 2011 spending n, according to Gartner, Inc. With only limited signs of improvement in the near term, the growth projection for 2012 has been adjusted downward from 5 percent in the previous forecast in 1Q12.
