
Victoria’s Northern Health won the large agency category at the Sir Rupert Hamer Records Management Awards 2011 for a semi-electronic scanned medical record system.

New Zealand’s Ministry of Economic Development (MED), currently busy coordinating the 2011 Rugby World Cup,  is set to deploy an OpenText Enterprise Content Management (ECM) solution.

Former police officer Kim Sadler outlines how one British Police Force is scanning paper records to ensure that vital content, not available elsewhere, can be accessed and shared effectively.

SAP has moved from its role as investor in the Crossgate B2B exchange to outright ownership of the service which allows companies to send and receive digitally signed, compliant PDFs or EDI invoices electronically.

The New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) is leaping into electronic records management, seeking a new platform to integrate with its SharePoint 2010 document management system.
