
Independent bureau Speedscan has won a contract with the NSW Department of Transport to handle docket scanning and payment processing for the state’s Taxi Transport Subsidy Scheme.

Following the continued shift towards electronic document capture solutions and the decline in demand for microfilm and microfiche equipment, Canon has announced it plans to discontinue its micrographics business.

Two industrial giants with deep links to Australia’s oil exploration industry have signed up for Cadac Organice SharePoint-based engineering document management and control in the cloud.

Government CIOs are facing a September 30 deadline to report to the National Archives of Australia on their transition to digital records management, the first of three annual reports due before 2014 when the Minister for Privacy and Freedom of Information may step in to hurry the process along.

Australasian ECM consultancy Blumark has become primary local partner for EntropySoft, a specialist in enterprise connectivity and content integration.
