
A new study from IBM Research concludes that people who put incoming e-mails in folders are no better at finding them than those who simply use search.


Using social media for employee engagement is well down the list of priorities for Australian business, according to a new study run by research company Nielsen which found that more than half (54 percent) of businesses use their social media investment for marketing, followed by customer relationship marketing, customer service/support and public relations (30 percent each). The least used activity was employee engagement at 12 percent.


Australia’s Mortgage Choice is a flagship customer for a new cloud data security application for Google Docs, the CloudLock Vault. “As a financial services organisation, we take the security and safety of our customer and corporate data very seriously,” said Neil Rose-Innes, CIO at Mortgage Choice.


Nuance has announced the $US157 million purchase of Equitrac, the provider of intelligent print management and cost recovery software.


With at least $A1.6B in new initiatives underway across the world, Pacific Hydro has sought to marry the collaborative qualities of SharePoint with its geographic information system (GIS) server to make geospatial data more broadly available in offices in Australia, Chile, and Brazil.

