
Criminals and hackers looking to steal your company’s data or cause mischief are now knocking on the front door, with targetted attacks posing a growing threat to enterprises in 2011, according to a new report from Symantec. Meanwhile HP has declared 2010 the year of Web vulnerability as attackers continued to focus on current, unpatched vulnerabilities in web applications, social networking sites and Web 2.0 interfaces


DocsCorp is delivering the ability to search for hidden image-based content in document management systems via a new Content Crawler OCR module for its pdfDocs product line.


How did Liverpool City Council deal with every IT manager’s worst nightmare, a blazing fire that sweeps through a workplace and leaves it little more than a blackened shell.


A New Zealand council is set to market a SharePoint-based platform for records management it has developed with a commercial partner.


Australia SAP consulting firm Oxygen has developed a solution that enables public sector organisations to link their TRIM documents to related data within SAP.

