
Salmat and the South Australian Government have agreed to implement a land information management system within three years, using a platform originally developed in the Northern Territory. Salmat will manage and host the service for the SA Government.


The Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman (TIO) is partnering with Melbourne‐based software developer Resolve to implement a business‐critical case management system.


EMC has introduced a new Auto Learning capability to the latest version of its Captiva capture solution, allowing for automated classification and and extraction of important business information from documents as they are being rapidly scanned.


Thousands who rely on SecurID encryption for applications such as Internet banking and secure network access are having a nervous wait for detailed information about the RSA hack announced this week.


Litigation support specialist Iris Data Services has moved to a new eDiscovery and computer forensics production facility in Nanjing, China, offering document review and online hosting.

