
Scan Conversion Services has announced the successful deployment of its Complete Automated Accounts Payable System (CAAPS) for Discovery Holiday Parks (DHP), the largest owner-operator of accommodation parks in Australia.


Hitachi Data Systems has introduced a new solution for healthcare providers to improve clinical decision making and resulting patient care.


Sir Robert (Bob) Menzies, the 12th and longest serving Prime Minister of Australia, once said, “Never forget posterity when devising a policy. Never think of posterity when making a speech.” However Menzies’ place in posterity has since been assured, and all of his many speeches to parliament will soon be just a click away to all Internet users at the completion of a massive project by The SEMA Group to digitise all pre-1980 Hansard documents.


Images from the the Dorothy Pelzer collection are being made more widely accessible via a Cumulus Digital Asset Management (DAM) platform used by the ISEAS library to handle a growing multimedia collection.


An online download initiative called LawGenius promises to change the way students and academics use and teach the Law, by providing them with statutes that can cost them hundreds of dollars in hard copy format, as a free download.

