
Almost half of Oceania IT professionals say that the risks of cloud computing outweigh the benefits, according to the first ISACA Oceania IT Risk/Reward Barometer survey.

A merger that seeks to integrate information archiving with electronic discovery management has been announced between Unify, which acquired records management and archiving company AXS-OneCorp for $US8M in 2009, and US eDiscovery solutions provider Daegis.

 Fujitsu has announced the latest release of the eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) software Interstage XWand Version 11, designed to help companies increase automation, transparency and governance around financial activities.

Mincom has announced a new agreement with Colossus Minerals, a development-stage mining company with an exploratory gold and platinum project in Brazil.

Three Australian federal government agencies that between them send out almost 150 million physical pieces of mail a year are looking to initiate a digital revolution, with Centrelink calling a tender for a new document output management system.
