Recall unveils one-stop governance tool

Recall has launched a new information governance tool to manage physical and electric records, known as CommandIG, and available as a cloud-based or on-premise solution.

 “Our customers consistently ask for products to keep their businesses ahead of changing industry regulations and compliant with applicable laws and regulations,” said Ron McMurtrie, senior vice president and global chief marketing officer, Recall.

“CommandIG is the solution needed to address secure distribution, collaboration, management and governance for all the physical and digital information created and consumed by an organization, regardless of how widely dispersed across industries and geographies they may be.”

According to the Compliance, Governance & Oversight Council’s Information Governance Benchmark Report of Global 1000 Companies, data volume growth is expected to increase by a factor of 44 in the next decade. With the growth of digital documents far outpacing paper, the information governance challenge is a technical issue. Successful compliance depends on technical solutions that factor in legal interpretations, IT expertise and records management insights.

CommandIG aims to provide records management, legal and IT departments with an easy way to apply consistent information lifecycle policies to documents.

Features include:

  • Governance Control – CommandIG allows an organization to automatically apply retention policies to assist in complying with applicable laws and regulations. It also facilitates management from retention to disposition, as well as federated search and legal hold, across content repositories managed either by Recall or other information repositories, including FileNet, SharePoint, Documentum and network drives that reside behind the corporate firewall.
  • Collaboration – CommandIG allows organizations to manage all physical and digital information no matter where it resides across the company’s local, regional and international boundaries.
  • Regulatory Compliance – As compliance regulations emerge and evolve in each of the countries an organization operates, CommandIG has the flexibility to keep up with and adhere to mandates that ensure compliance. CommandIG is fully HIPAA and PCI DSS compliant and ISO 27001:2013 and EU/Swiss Safe Harbor compliant.

“The continued growth of paper and the explosion of digital documents along with expanding regulations governing privacy and accessibility are rewriting the rules of information governance,” said Rob Hamilton, global vice president, digital market leader, Recall.

“As a result, the need to manage an unprecedented level of information is leading to more advanced rules impacting organizations of all sizes and industries. CommandIG provides businesses with a quick, secure and an intuitive approach to information governance for physical and digital information.”

CommandIG is delivered in three packages. The standard subscription package, suitable for small and mid-sized enterprise businesses and many departments in larger organisations, is priced at US$199 per month. Initial availability will include the United States, Australia and New Zealand with additional markets to follow.