iManage releases Records Manager 6.4

iManage Records Manager 6.4 has been enhanced with new functionality designed to increase user satisfaction and streamline multiple aspects of records management.

Part of iManage Work Product Management, one of the new features in Records Manager is a migration toolkit to assist customers that want to migrate from products like Autonomy Records Manager or OpenText Records Management, LegalKEY that have reached end-of-life or do not currently have a forward path of development.

The latest release of Records Manager also includes over 20 key usability enhancements, and modernising the look and feel of the product so that it is more consistent with Windows 10 and other modern office applications like Microsoft Office 2016.

Additionally, the product has addressed DPI scaling issues, so that text and other graphical elements display crisply and correctly when viewed on high-resolution screens.

iManage Records Manager 6.4 also now offers external warehouse support for Iron Mountain and any warehousing vendors running the RS-SQL product from O'Neil Software.

This means that users can now perform several operations -- such as requesting a physical file or box stored at an external warehouse, or requesting to return that item to the warehouse -- from within iManage Records Manager, rather than having to use a separate software package.

Lastly, Records Manager 6.4 adds a disposition workflow module that automates the defensible disposition of records that have reached their disposition date. This functionality is available as an add-on component.

A smoother disposition workflow allows firms to better enforce retention policies around their critical work product. More than helping firms save on storage costs, it helps them reduce the risk of over-retention. As recent security breaches have shown, holding on to sensitive data for too long can leave firms and their clients exposed to unnecessary risk that can be avoided through proper governance.

"Disposition workflow was the single most requested feature from our user group," said Ian Raine, senior director of product management at iManage. "Now, we're delivering on that, with a module that eliminates the headaches of manual disposition processes, while capturing approvals at all stages to provide a complete audit trail."

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