Yahoo Eliminates the ‘Overlap’ in Photo Storage

Yahoo Eliminates the ‘Overlap’ in Photo Storage

May 7, 2006: In an effort to eliminate an overlap of services, Yahoo Inc is closing is online photo storage site Yahoo Photos and encouraging users to migrate to its Web 2.0 sharing site ‘Flikr.’

Yahoo says it will issue Yahoo Photo users with notice of the site closure in June. Yahoo will offer users a variety of options for transferring their photos including the move over to Yahoo Flickr and even the option to load their data onto competing sites such as PhotoBucket, Kodak Gallery or Snapfish.

The move will be made in an effort to eliminate the overlap of service that currently occurs between Yahoo’s two sites.

Flickr is considered a key 2.0 technology, enabling users to tag their photographs and to not just store photography, but share it with others while leveraging it for online communications and social networking. The site was acquired by Yahoo almost two years ago and is in stark comparison to the more traditional photo storage site, Yahoo Photos.

The move comes as Yahoo has recently been hard at work reorganising its assets and consolidating its technologies.

With the migration services already announced, Yahoo says it will still maintain the Yahoo Photo service for another three months.

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