Test Driving Open Source Virtualisation

Test Driving Open Source Virtualisation

May 14, 2007: The OpenVZ project, an effort to develop an open source virtualisation operating system, has announced the availability of a bootable Live CD to enable the software to be tested without installation.

Based on Knoppix 5.1.1, the OpenVZ Live CD enables the virtualisation software to be evaluated without time consuming installations or any changes to a machine or files on a hard disk.

The CD is made up of a collection of GNU/Linux software, automatic hardware detection, and support for many graphics cards, sound cards, SCSI and USB devices and other peripherals.

“This is the first time we've been able to offer our open source OS virtualisation in this format, which provides users a risk-free way to test OpenVZ, along with the Knoppix distribution,” says Kir Kolyshkin, manager of the OpenVZ project.

“Knoppix is very popular with hobbyists and Linux enthusiasts who can now try our open source virtualisation software, which is in keeping with our objective to promote OS virtualisation.”

As it is an open source project, OpenVZ is available for free and comes with an active community of developers and users for support.

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