Precoro and Slack increase approval workflow efficiency

In May 2022, Precoro launched its integration with the Slack messaging platform. This connection will simplify the document approval process significantly.

“Our main goal is to simplify their experience with Precoro and deliver a cost-effective procurement solution. With Slack integration, our users will streamline their approval workflow even further. We'll continue to enhance this integration and other features as well, according to their feedback," said Andrew Zhyvolovych, CEO of Precoro.

Earlier, Precoro users had the ability to receive notifications only via email. The integration with Slack enables them to be informed about colleagues' requests directly in their messaging workspace.

As all notifications will contain the necessary documents' information, such as purchaser details, delivery dates, location, department, and the total request amount, Precoro users will be able to approve or reject documents in just a few clicks in Slack.

This easy-to-install integration helps streamline procurement processes, facilitate team cooperation, and save resources by automating time-consuming operations.

Precoro is a holistic solution for procurement management. It allows users to streamline procurement processes, eliminate error-prone manual work, monitor budgets, and focus on large-scale goals.


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