ANU Updates Mainframe System

ANU Updates Mainframe System

February 14th, 2007: The ANU has kicked off the shackles of its 20 year-old mainframe platform, moving to a server-based system without a costly rip and replace procedure.

The University used Software AG’s crossvision Legacy Modernisation services to complete the switch. After decommissioning its mainframe, the ANU was in somewhat of a conundrum as to what to do with its core Parking Infringements Management System (PIMS). The system was based on Software AG’s Adabas and Natural technology, which it had been operating on the mainframe since the early 1980’s.

Using an off the shelf system or doing a full re-write were both costly had could have had unpredictable outcomes, which is why the University in the end decided to migrate to a server-based platform.

“Migrating PIMS to a server based platform has enabled the ANU to retain all of the system’s functionality and value, without the pain and cost of a rip and replace project,” says Rick van Haeften, Director Corporate Information Services at ANU.

Software AG says it completed a seamless migration for PIMS within five weeks, with no loss of functionality through the migration period.

While sticking with legacy systems can help cut costs, there comes a tipping point where the upgrade cost is outweighed by the benefits and savings a new platform can bring. After 20 years of service, the ANU has well and truly reached upgrade time and it is already reaping the benefits.

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