SimpleIndex Updates Document Management Solution
SimpleIndex Updates Document Management Solution
January 29th, 2007: SimpleIndex reckons it is changing the way businesses index and retrieve documents with the latest version of its automated document management software.
SimpleIndex believes that its solution enables organisations of any size to take advantage of one-click document scanning, indexing, archiving and retrieval. And do it without major investment in training or infrastructure.
The company says that by saving scan jobs to a configuration file, a number of functions can be executed at will later with a mouse click. For example, all indexing can be performed automatically as documents are loaded into the scanner, with all processing done in the background.
SimpleIndex also processes Microsoft Office and PDF files, with template and dictionary matching algorithms used on top of regular expressions to index documents according to key values within body text. SimpleIndex claims that the solution will index any paper or digital file automatically for uploading to any EDMS or content management system.
“Our SimpleIndex solution clearly provides the best value in the document capture market…paper and digital,” says Kevin Carver, Simple Software’s Business Development Director. “We help companies get the most value out of new and existing digital copiers by automating the capture process - and we allow their staff to index their email and “My Documents” folders too, based on the same index criteria so that they can find information instantly regardless of where it originated.”
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