New Tool Makes Search Easier?

New Tool Makes Search Easier?

September 5th, 2006: Sydney’s Beach Hut Media has launched a new search engine technique that it claims can refine searches made on everything from internet search engines to email and CRM applications.

Called the “Search Bubbler”, the technique apparently makes use of a “user interaction tool that enables users to further refine a search criteria based on the tags and associated terms to aid in the search,” or so the company says.

Beach Hut claims that the tool is platform and application independent and the larger the data set, the more useful it becomes. The company is, however, quite vague on details at the present time saying that it is in the “commercialisation phase and looking at licensing or partnering with various companies globally to capitalise on this unique tool.”

The company says its technology breaks new ground and it is hoping to license it to the likes of Microsoft, Google and Yahoo. A request for more information on Beach Hut’s technology was not immediately returned. IDM will keep you posted on details as they emerge.

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