Mambo’s New Moves

Mambo’s New Moves

September 22nd, 2006: In the first major update of its open source content management system in nearly two years, the Mambo Foundation has released Mambo 4.6 complete with SMB-friendly scalability.

What sets this release apart, however, is Mambo now comes in two distinct flavours. The first is the ‘complete’ version, with the core files and the most popular templates and extensions, while the second ‘lite’ version includes the core files only.

The foundation has gone down the two-version path as older releases made it difficult to strip out unwanted features. Now instead of a “one size fits all” product, the foundation says that Mambo offers users unrivalled flexibility to create exactly the CMS they want.

Core Dev Team Leader Chad Auld noted, “A lot of work has gone into 4.6. The result is better code, improved usability, and more logical structure. 4.6 is not only the most stable, best performing Mambo ever, but is also the most flexible.”

Ric Shreves, president of the Mambo Foundation board of directors, says he doubts large corporate users will be interested in the popular open source CMS, however, he says that Mambo is perfect for smaller business applications that require flexibility and cost effective solutions that would be difficult to do with a proprietary product.

“Mambo is a mature Open Source project with a significant history behind it. Corporate and SMB customers will, I think, find 4.6 to be a giant step closer to the sort of CMS product they want and need,” said Shreves. “Not only is the product great, but the users also have the assurance of a stable project that stands behind it to assure business continuity and coherent release schedules – the sort of issues that build business confidence in an Open Source solution.”

Mambo 4.6 can be downloaded free from the foundation’s website.

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