U.S. Stalls .xxx Domain Again

U.S. Stalls .xxx Domain Again

March 28th, 2006: The plan to create a .xxx top level domain and section off a “red light district” on the Internet has once again been delayed by the U.S. Commerce Department.

Expected to be voted on and approved at this week’s international Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) meeting in Wellington, New Zealand, the plan will no longer be voted on due to U.S. Commerce Department concerns surrounding proposed mechanisms for .xxx domain management.

New Zealand’s Dominion Post reports that Chairman Stuart Lawley said he believed it was a "deliberate delaying tactic" adding that this is the third time the U.S. had delayed the process creating worry that the independent ICANN is not so independent after all.

“The last-minute intervention - again - of the US Department of Commerce is a worrisome trend for Icann,” said Lawley. “The US last year tried to convince the rest of the world they didn't interfere with Icann and internet policies and this kind of interference calls that into question.”

The plan for a .xxx top level domain has won support due to its ability to aid filtration of restricted material.

The next ICANN meeting will be held in Marrakech, Morocco from the 26th to the 30th of June this year.

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