Australia Weighs In On .xxx Debate

Australia Weighs In On .xxx Debate

March 29th, 2006: The Australian Government has stepped up alongside the U.S. and asked that any decision regarding the proposed .xxx top level domain be delayed until more evidence of its benefits is presented.

The Minister for Communications, Information Technology and the Arts, Senator Helen Coonan yesterday raised concerns about the .xxx plan saying that it has so far provided little evidence that it will help reduce unrestricted access to adult material.

“This Government takes a strong stand on Internet pornography and we would not support any measure which could lead to an increase in offensive content on the Internet,” says Senator Coonan. “The Australian Government would be concerned by the creation of an Internet domain specifically for material which is largely illegal under Australian online content laws.”

The Canadian-based International Foundation for Online Responsibility (IFFOR), is seeking to register the domain saying that it would stop the spread of adult content to other domains such as .com and .org. It says that the domain will clearly label a site as adult orientated and aid in filtration. Proceeds from domain registrations would be used to help fund filter technology development and child protection initiatives.

Senator Coonan is sceptical of these reasons however, saying that they have yet to be been fully explained.

“I am yet to be convinced that there are any real benefits from the creation of this domain that would outweigh the risk of legitimising this offensive material,” says Senator Coonan. “At this stage the idea that all offensive websites on the Internet would voluntarily quarantine themselves to a new domain is difficult to believe.”

“If it becomes clear that this domain will simply increase the number of pornographic sites on the Internet and do nothing to protect Australian families from offensive content, then I will not hesitate to register Australia’s strong opposition to the establishment of .xxx,” she added.

Australia has asked ICANN to delay its decision on .xxx until it has provided better evidence of its benefits.

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