Email Archiving Market To Continue Heavy Growth

Email Archiving Market To Continue Heavy Growth

January 18, 2006: Industry analysts IDC have looked into their crystal ball and seen the future of email archiving, and it isn’t pretty for those struggling to contain the slippery beast.

For email archiving software manufacturers and vendors however, the news is positively rosy.

IDC have predicted that 2005’s email archiving application revenue will top US$310 million worldwide. A figure they say, that will grown by a consistent 34.5% annually through 2009.

"As email becomes widely accepted as a record of business and as more firms adopt record retention policies that include electronic communications (email and instant messaging), we expect to see a robust uptick in the deployment of email archiving applications," says Vivian Tero, senior research analyst for Compliance Infrastructure at IDC.

IDC also found that consolidation within the email archiving applications market will continue and that companies will also continue to lean towards internal archiving solutions rather than outsourcing.

Is your organisation well equipped for email archiving?

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