Object MeNtOR’s in Compliance
Object MeNtOR’s in Compliance
December 12, 2005: Australian developer and trainer of enterprise software, Object Consulting, has released a major upgrade to its IT project methodology process MeNtOR.
Version 5 of the software aims to bridge what the company calls the “solution gap”, a problem that occurs when an organisation’s overall strategy is disconnected from the development and installation of its systems.
Used by over 5000 people in 50 organisations, the new software adds new capabilities such as enterprise architecture support, conversion to dynamic content management, change management and compliance support for Basel II.
Object cites research and consulting firm Gartner’s observation that the diversion of IT funds to compliance is one of six major trends that will shake the IT world in 2006 and beyond. Gartner sees regulatory compliance spending growing at twice the rate of IT spending. As compliance spending grows, reliance on software facilitating compliance also grows.
“By defining roles and responsibilities, processes for every aspect of the software lifecycle and clear control mechanisms you can build compliance into the process. Organisations using Process MeNtOR ensure that IT is aligned with the business and therefore delivering value” says Dr Julian Edwards, Object’s Chief Operating Officer.
Object plans to take MeNtOR to the global market within the next 12 months. It also plans to integrate support for governance and standards such as Sarbanes Oxley, Basel II, Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI), Control Objectives for Information Technology (COBIT) and the IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL).
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