Objective selected in response to Waterfall enquiry
Objective selected in response to Waterfall enquiry
Nov 9, 2005: The 2002 waterfall train disaster may be slipping further into the past, however the fallout still lingers and one thing it highlights is with better document management techniques, the response to similar incidents can be greatly improved.
The Special Commission of Inquiry into the Waterfall Accident's final report has recommended that the Independent Transport Safety and Reliability Regulator (ITSRR) adopt an electronic document and records management system to enable effective and reliable information to be gathered for monitoring the safety of the New South Wales rail system, and for this important task, it has selected Objective.
The move is intended to enhance the ITSRR's transparency and credibility as a regulator. It will use Objective to provide a corporate information store and knowledge discovery solution, and implement it across the organisation. From the chief executive right down to its field officers.
The ITSRR is a statutory authority that was created almost 2 years ago to facilitate safe and reliable transport services across NSW. It has three main roles: Administering rail safety legislation, providing advice to government on the reliability of all publicly funded rail, bus and ferry transport within NSW, and coordinating safety regulation with the two other regulators of publicly funded transport: NSW Maritime and the Ministry of Transport.
Objective will complement and replace existing paper based record keeping systems, improve access to information and ensure all types of documents and records are managed consistently within a single respository.
"Objective offered ITSRR a single solution that met all of its functional requirements together with proven implementation experience and a highly experienced project team." said Carolyn Walsh, Chief Executive of ITSRR. "ITSRR required a business tool that would instill confidence in its staff, the rail industry and the traveling public by assuring them of information integrity and credibility. As a regulator, credibility is paramount. It is essential for ITSRR to operate in a transparent and accountable manner."
Objective will allow quick and easy access to information, facilitating collaboration between work teams and allowing more effective and efficient business processes to be adopted throughout the organisation. For example, some ITSRR staff work remotely, such as field officers who need to carry out inspections and audits of rail safety around the State.
They will in future have the ability to remotely access documents, such as details about operator's safety management systems, accident investigation reports or policy documents from a central repository via handheld devices allowing them to make rapid judgements while out in the field.
"Objective has helped ITSRR to be more strategic in collecting and analysing information which assists in the direction of resources toward greater risk areas. This makes ITSRR more effective as an organisation in facilitating safe and reliable transport services to the community of New South Wales," said Ms Walsh.
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