MySQL Searches for New Engine

MySQL Searches for New Engine

Nov 28, 2005: Oracle's purchase of the InnoDB database engine sees MySQL in the hunt for a replacement technology.

Open Source evangelists, MySQL has decided not simply to bite the bullet in the face of Oracle's purchase of Finland-based InnoDB. According to ComputerWorld magazine, Richard Mason, vice president of MySQL for Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA) let the cat out of the bag by explaining: "Obviously because Oracle made that acquisition we are evaluating options to replace that functionality in some way." In a paradoxical quote he followed up with: "We're not at the point yet where we can go public with what that plan is but we will be shortly."

The InnoDB engine, which currently runs alongside the MyISAM, engine, is open source - based on the GPL (General Public License). Therefore just because Oracle now owns the originating company does not mean that MySQL will have to stop its own development of the code. However, as the quote from Mason makes plain, MySQL isn't taking any possible threat to its growing reputation lightly.

Companies such as Novell and Hewlett-Packard are already quoting the open-source database in their bundles. However, the idea that MySQL is competing with Oracle in the Enterprise arena is a tad far-fetched right now. That said, Oracle's move also highlights that this area is hotting-up as a battlefield in the near future.

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