HP Announce ‘Extreme’ Storage

HP Announce ‘Extreme’ Storage

May 7, 2008: Hewlett Packard (HP) has announced a scalable storage system designed to handle multiple petabytes of data.

HP StorageWorks 9100 Extreme Data Storage System looks to address the business needs of Web 2.0 and digital media firms who generate massive amounts of data to be managed. The system will run as a file-based Network-Attached Storage (NAS) system which HP claim is the first of its kind to offer a single management interface while scaling to the multi-petabyte level.

“Many companies are struggling with file-based growth – not only how to cope with the sheer growth, but also how to leverage their digital and static media to create additional revenue by delivering online services,” said Mark Peters, an analyst at Enterprise Strategy Group.

The Extreme System is the first in a series of offerings that HP has scheduled for scale-out environments, such as the rapidly emerging area of cloud computing.

“As business requirements rapidly change and digital media files grow at exponential rates, many enterprises need to manage growth in a way that helps them profit from their storage infrastructure. That’s where the ExDS9100 really delivers,” said Dave Roberson, senior vice president and general manager, StorageWorks, HP.

The 9100 Extreme Data Storage System is currently scheduled for a Quarter 4, 2008 release.

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