Storage surge predicted as result of home data protection needs

Storage surge predicted as result of home data protection needs

Sep 02, 2005: Consumers are not very different from commercial IT users when it comes to data protection, IDC uncovered in its latest primary research into the home data protection market.

They have substantial concerns about possible data loss of their digital information, and believe they should protect their growing catalogues of PC, image, music, and video assets. Fully understanding this need is an emerging business opportunity for commercial storage suppliers.

"The home data protection market is in the pioneering/early-adopter phase," said Robert Gray, vice president, Worldwide Storage Systems research. "It is still early for broadly successful products for consumers' emerging and unique requirements. Further characterisation is easily justified to better understand the expanding opportunity."

Among the biggest consumer concerns are malicious acts such as hacking, theft, and viruses, no matter what the source of data. Losing data stored on the PC is also a major concern.

The new study also sheds light on the extent of concern consumers have about their growing digital data assets and what specific losses concern them.

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