Intercept in a state of Grace as companies cement bond
Intercept in a state of Grace as companies cement bond
Feb 22, 2005: A successful year of working in tandem after forming a strategic alliance has prompted Grace Records Management to acquire joint venture partner Intercept Information Solutions.
As a consequence of its acquisition of the outsource image capture provider, Grace Records Management will now become Grace Information Management.
Speaking about the significance of the deal and how it would affect Grace, Bob McAnderson, general manager of Intercept, commented: "I think it's going to have a profound effect. The bottom line is Grace Records Management wanted this business because synergistically it is a perfect fit. What they want to be able to do is to take to their customers and the marketplace a range of product services form the birth to the death of a record and everything in-between."
This includes media storage, online ASP solutions, and mailroom solutions with front-end scanning operations performed by Intercept onsite.
"They have not put any limitations on the practical use of the technology from the customer's perspective. Essentially, what they want to do is to dynamically grow this business," added McAnderson.
"As part of a substantial international group, Grace Records Management has extensive operations in Australia and overseas", said Intercept director John Zeller. "We believe this merger will enable us to offer our valued clients a significantly higher level of service and product options."
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