Cisco swallows Apple storage medicine

Cisco swallows Apple storage medicine

Jan 13, 2005: Apple has provided a welcome solution for Cisco's litigation archive through the use of Apple's new Xsan file system and Xserve RAID storage subsystem to archive the company's global email communications for compliance requirements.

Cisco MDS 9000 Series SAN switches will be integrated with Xserve RAID storage subsystems, and the IT integrator, Digital Strata, will manage the deployment of the Apple service to allow Cisco to archive terabytes of corporate email.

The Xsan only started shipping this year and is already building quite a reputation for itself, despite Apple only recently launching itself into the storage world.

Oracle Corporation also became an Apple storage user last month, after it deployed Apple's Xserve RAID system for email, voicemail and calendar information.

Cisco is replacing other arrays used to archive litigation data with the new Xserve array, but the company will not announce the names of its previous suppliers.

However, 27TB of litigation data has already been migrated to the Xserve array at Cisco, which includes emails, contracts, and other documents Cisco would require urgently if lawyers came knocking on the door.

Cisco's MDS 9000 switch uses Veritas' volume management software, Veritas Storage Foundation for Networks. This virtualises storage in the Xserve array, so instead of the array appearing as ten disk drives, staff can see just one large volume of disk.

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