Yahoo, Adobe in web services alliance

Yahoo, Adobe in web services alliance

Adobe and Yahoo have pitched into the intensifying battle over online search and services with the news that the pair have reached an agreement for Yahoo to install web search features into Adobe's Acrobat Reader software.

The news follows the introduction of a free desktop search tool from Google, with Microsoft also planning to make a big splash in the online search market in the very near future.

The move allows Adobe to expand one of its core products into the Internet, while for Yahoo it opens up a massive Acrobat user base of 500 million people.

Adobe will introduce a co-branded Yahoo toolbar that will provide users with access to Yahoo products including AntiSpy, Pop-Up Blocker and Yahoo Search, as well as Adobe products such as Create Adobe PDF Online, a web-based service that provides consumers and small businesses easy access to creating documents in PDF.

Over time, the co-branded toolbar will launch additional functionality, such as the ability to quickly and easily convert web-based content into Adobe PDF files. Capturing and converting web pages into PDF means HTML content can be taken offline for viewing, sharing and archiving.

"Adobe and Yahoo share a common vision for providing consumers with services that help them get the most out of using the Internet," said Shantanu Narayen, executive vice president of Worldwide Products, Adobe. "Combining Yahoo's leadership in delivering content and services online with the ubiquitous Adobe Reader, Adobe and Yahoo will bring a new level of simplicity and relevance to online services."

"We are excited to enter this strategic relationship with Adobe as it underscores Yahoo's commitment to providing users with products and services that enrich their online experience," said Dan Rosensweig, COO, Yahoo. "Additionally, our multi-faceted relationship will dramatically increase our exposure and reach to consumers via Adobe's installed base of more than 500 million copies of Adobe Reader."

A future release of Adobe Reader will feature Yahoo Search as the default Internet search.

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